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No More Searching!
Start Living the Life You Deserve

Why wait to have the life you want when you could start living it now? 
Start experiencing the incredible changes you’ve been longing for.

Your time is now!


January 8-10, 2025

Key West, Florida

Opening Ceremony: 1/8 at 5 PM 
Closing Ceremony: 1/10 at 1 PM


I'm Ready to Get Unlocked
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Rediscover the spark within yourself!


Think back to when you were a young girl. You dreamed big dreams. You found joy in the simple things. You giggled, a LOT.

Anything seemed possible!

Then slowly it started. You suppressed your needs. You denied your true desires. Slowly you became a fake version of yourself.

Now you get up, mindlessly go through the day on autopilot, fall into bed at night unfulfilled and get up trapped in the same scenario.

Unlocked is designed to transform your life now to the life YOU actually want to live.

Seem impossible?

It did for the women that attended last year and the year before too!

That is, until they actually experienced their transformation.

"A light switched on immediately and I no longer felt so overwhelmed by my future and the steps I needed to take-- not to mention it quiets the consistent chatter of doubt in my head." 2022 Unlocked Attendee

Over three days in a judgement-free zone, you will create a roadmap to a future that inspires you to jump out of bed in the morning, excited to bring your dreams to life!

"It was exactly what I needed. I was really wondering how we could get a meaningful impact in a short period of time but you nailed it!" 2023 Unlocked Attendee

You know you are being called to live a more authentic life. You'll create it at Unlocked: Leading & Living with Soul.

I promise.

Together with a small group of like-minded women, you'll experience life-changing transformation, including:


Sessions to learn the tactical secrets behind creating a clear-cut roadmap for your life

A process that will transform your life into one that you are proud to live. As one past attendee described the sessions, "At the end, the whole process culminated in so many light bulb moments!"


A magical experience to bring you fulfillment at both home and work

We’ll be together three days, from 5 PM January 8 to the afternoon of January 10. Between those times you’ll finally figure out why after years of doing everything to be good, you don’t feel good. Simply put, one woman from last year's Unlocked described it as, "Thinking about who I want to be and giving myself permission to be that person."


A destination to relax and recharge so you can be the best version of you for YOU (and those you lead and love!)

You can tell from the pictures, we found the PERFECT spot to overcome lifelong patterns, like feeling stuck, people-pleasing, and self-sabotage, Key West! We'll be returning the the same spot as last year, because as one attendee said, "The setting was perfect for the work we were doing."

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Unlock the Power of You with Like-Minded Women Who Will Challenge and Inspire You!

Maybe you've convinced yourself that your life is "good enough." Everything seems "fine." After all, who are you to want more?

It's time to stop settling.

Do you ever feel like you’re falling short—at work, with your family, or in your friendships?

It’s time to align your goals with your soul.

Join me January 8-10, 2025 in Key West, Florida to make it happen! 

Opening Ceremony: 1/8 at 5 PM 
Closing Ceremony: 1/10 at 1 PM

A Note From Denise...

49 years old with a stress-induced mini-stroke.

My world got rocked and it scared the $#%* out of me. Maybe you're like me. Wired to work, work, work. Plow through. Persist. And the cost is our health. Our family. Our relationships.

That was my wake up call. Message received loud and clear - I cannot keep living this way.

I needed to get control in my life. I needed to de-stress, not just for a moment, but for good. 

I’m passionate about sharing what I learned during my personal journey to make my life, and work, less taxing and more fulfilling. 

These three days are in an investment in YOU. It's something that you cannot afford not to do!

That, my soul sister, is why I felt so called to create, Unlocked: Leading & Living with Soul!. And it would be my honor for you to join me. ❤️

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You deserve to live a life that would make your 8-year old self smile!  

  • Uncover your true motivations, so you can be steady in the soul and free in the spirit! You'll discover when your daily decisions are connected to those motivations every day feels like a special gift.
  • Through self-reflection and together time, you'll learn strategies that you can use immediately when you return home. You'll laugh out loud. You'll cry at what you uncover. You'll learn to be the best version of yourself. For you. Your family. And your team at work. 
  • Following the retreat, you'll find it easier to notice the things in life that are aligned with your soul's goals. Almost magically, opportunities will start presenting themselves and they will ultimately add up to a life and career that you truly love!
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  • Discovering exactly what your purpose is and creating a plan to live it!

  • Putting an end to pouring your blood, sweat, and tears into serving others, while neglecting yourself.

  • Feeling fulfilled each day instead of constantly drained. 

What's Included?

#1. Connection with your soul sisters

We'll share in a virtual get-together before Unlocked: Leading and Living with Soul so you can meet the women that will become your life-long friends, and cheerleaders, prior to our trip. You'll learn and grow together.

#2. Tasty food and drinks to fuel your soul work

You'll kick off the retreat with a Welcome Reception on Wednesday. On Thursday, you'll admire Key West's famous painted sky during a catamaran sunset cruise. Afterwards, you'll dine waterfront, downtown at the Conch Republic. 

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#3. Three incredible days to fuel your motivation and align with your true purpose

All programs take place outdoors, waterfront, next to our private pool! Kickoff each morning with the incredible power of guided meditation and movement to balance the mind, body and spirit. You'll end the retreat by writing your personal values and new rules for your life to ensure you continue the inspiration when you return home. This is the exact mind medicine you need, so please plan your flight accordingly!

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#4. A total come-as-you-are vibe with a community of like-minded women

If you've been to Key West...well, you know! There is no where like it! It's a quirky, little island paradise where love and laughter reign. Come with your bare feet and bathing suit and leave the bra in your hotel room! You will be with others that "get you" and together, you’ll forge life long friendships.

#5. A discounted rate at The Ocean's Edge Resort and Marina with lots of inclusions

Surrounded by the tranquil sea, every single room and suite looks out onto the Atlantic Ocean and has a private balcony with seating. Paddle boards, bicycles, and kayaks are all included, as is a resort shuttle to downtown Key West.

Airfare and hotel are not included in the registration fee.


The Result? 

You'll leave Unlocked: Leading & Living with Soul with your very own individualized plan for feeling exactly how you want to feel each day! You'll have the time, space and the support you need to reflect on your life today and create goals that come from your soul.


When you change your goal setting mindset, you change your life!

The Result? 

YOU, authentically joyful and unlocked to all the possibilities that your soul’s goals have in store for you. 

With the confidence and tools to go after them with peace, excitement and purpose.

How do I know if I'm ready?

Unlocked will be extraordinary, but it won't be right for everyone. Here's some info so you can make the right decision for you. 

Perfect for you if:


  • You feel stuck and are unclear about what to do in your life
  • You find yourself paralyzed with the thought of following your life dream or career aspiration
  • You're ready to look at leading and living your life differently
  • You want off of the hamster wheel
  • You're overwhelmed by doing this on your own and wish you had others to bounce ideas off

Not for you if:


  • You're an excuse maker and not ready for change.
  • You aren't willing to reflect on your life and choices
  • You can't invest in yourself and your success
  • You aren't ready to take the necessary steps to move your life to the next level
  • You want to keep procrastinating, being unproductive and going through the motions instead of living life to the fullest
I'm Ready to Register and Invest in ME!

Wait, what's included again?


Three life-changing days to recharge your batteries & get unstuck

You'll figure out what goals have been coming from a place of fear, scarcity and ego, and those that are in alignment with your true purpose in the world. No PowerPoint. No boring lecture. You'll be experiencing and feeling your way to your unique goals and plan.


Laid-back luxury with a group of like-minded women to support and lift you up 

You'll be surrounded by inspiring women who are on the same mission: to live the life they were meant to live. Expect tears, laughs, and the start of life-long friendships.


Food, drink and experiences to create the perfect backdrop for getting unlocked

This is your chance to try something new, like paddle boarding or kayaking (which are both included FREE), to let your loved and un-judged self emerge and get your creative juices flowing! You'll even set sail on an inspiring sunset cruise Thursday evening! 

Register me for one of the limited spots!
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Unlocked: Leading & Living with Soul is the ultimate way to reset, renew and refresh!

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Investment for Individuals


Payment Options

  • Pay in full now or choose a payment plan at checkout.
  • 12 monthly payments of $151 or 6 monthly payments or $297 or 4 interest-free payments of $437

Investment for Vendors


One time payment

  • This option applies to companies or individuals who sell or market products and/or services to providers.
  • Sponsorships also available by clicking here.

Whichever plan you choose, all participants will experience...

  • Three days of inspirational experiences, exploration, and restorative insights to fuel you living your true purpose
  • From the moment you arrive at the retreat you will have access to delicious meals, snacks and beverages: nourishment for your mind, body and soul
  • Collaboration and meaningful connection with a diverse group of women, each on their unique path of self-discovery

Are you interested in being a sponsor?


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